
sexta-feira, 20 de julho de 2012

Exclusive Shout: Interview with Eytan and The Embassy

“I started playing piano when I was 5 and I begged my parent to let me quite for many years.  My mom insisted that I had talent and refused to let me give up and once I started writing songs when I was 12 or 13 it really clicked and I gave up sports for music”
Eytan Oren
Eytan and The Embassy: (left to right) Attis Clopton (drums), Caitlin Gray (bass), Eytan Oren (vocals and piano), Geoff Countryman (sax) and Grant Schulte (guitar)

Brooklyn, New York, 2009. Eytan Oren, a young and promising musician reunites with four friends and the internet success Eytan and the Embassy was born. Already with a world record in their curriculum and a much acclaimed video, Eytan Oren talked with Shout about his music, his video and his future album.

1.       How did the reunion between Eytan with The Embassy occur?
The project started as a record I made with a few friends and once it was finished I put together a band which became the Embassy.  Everything Changes was the first song we really recorded as a band.

2.       Why Embassy?
 My mom always jokes that I should be an ambassador because I'm very diplomatic so The Embassy seemed like a good fit. 

3.       Eytan, from what I´ve read your relation with music exists since you were little. How did that, I going to call it passion, appeared?
Actually when I was very young I really only cared about sports. I started playing piano when I was 5 and I begged my parent to let me quite for many years.  My mom insisted that I had talent and refused to let me give up and once I started writing songs when I was 12 or 13 it really clicked and I gave up sports for music.  

4.       How was the evolution of your career? This is, how did you get to this point of your life, where you have a video with more than 500 thousand views, in just a few weeks?
Before I was in this band I wrote music for television and commercials which I still do sometimes.  When the band started at the end of 2009 we had a few great opportunities opening for OK Go, starring in a few commercials for the MTV Movie Awards, and playing a couple for major festivals.  But the reaction to Everything Changes has definitely been on a much larger scale than any successes we had before. It's been an exciting month and we're very thankful to all the people that have shared the song and the video.

Eytan Oren, the band leader
5.       You´ve said that Radiohead is a big influence in your music. Do you still “feel them” in your music or there are others artist that also inspire you?
We don't sound anything like Radiohead but they are a big influence for me. A lot of our favorite artists are from the 60's and 70's but it's important to me to give things a modern twist in the production. When it comes to guitars and background sound effects we'll often throw in ideas inspired by Jonny Greenwood or Nigel Godrich (Radiohead's producer).

6.       When can we see Eytan and The Embassy next album? And what can we expect from it?
 We're releasing a record on September 18 which is a repackaged version of our first record “The Perfect Break-up” but with Everything Changes added to it. For iTunes it will also include the video.  We're in the middle of recording our second record which is called "The Year of The Sun." I'm not sure when it will come out but probably the beginning of next year.

7.       How did the success Everything Changes come to life?
It happened very quickly and it's hard to know exactly what started it. I think OK Go sharing it on Twitter and Facebook gave it a great start and that may have led to a few other well known people hearing about it and sharing it with their fans.  CNN.com also ran a feature on it the first week that also gave it really great exposure.
Ultimately it was a fun video to make and I think that made it a fun video to watch and share with friends which helped it take off.

8.       In your video from Everything Changes you play 18 characters. Which was the process that you used to choose such single artists?
 We chose artists we admire that changed the course of pop and rock music history and we tried to have a few musicians that represent each decade.  We also picked artists I could actually look like-- for example we originally had Jimi Hendrix as one of the artists but it just didn't work.  We actually changed Hendrix to Bob Dylan on the day of the shoot-- we took a break and I ran to a music shop to buy a harmonica while Ashley Miller, our hairstylist, trimmed the wig.

9.       You´ve already asked your fans their contribution to help you choosing other artists to make a second take. Are you trying to hit your own World Record for more costumes in a video?
We would love for someone to beat our record but we're not trying to beat it ourselves with the second take.

10.   One final question, there is anyone that you would like to be compared to?
It's fun to hear comparisons but I try to leave that for other people to do.  As long as it's someone you like we're happy to be compared to them!

A special thanks to Eytan Oren for his availability and kindness.
We conclude this post with the success Everything Changes.


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